Category: ‘Events’

Posted on January 21st, 2025

42nd Annual Evening of Hope

Would you like to support pediatric cancer research and have a good time?

Great; then consider attending our 42nd Annual Evening of Hope!!

See the info below.  Tickets and Program Book Ads can be found on this link……

Posted on November 6th, 2024

Kids Without Cancer 2024 Year End Appeal

November 2024

In September 1981 a small group of parents began an unexpected journey with their child because of a cancer diagnosis. In a perfect world, the words cancer and child do not belong in the same sentence, yet here we were facing an unimaginable heartache. Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world and Kids Without Cancer (KWC) was formed.

43 years later, KWC is very proud of the fact that $6 million has been raised and donated to Children’s Hospital of Michigan and their affiliates, Wayne State University and Karmanos Cancer Institute. Pediatric cancer is woefully under-funded despite the fact that cancer is the #1 disease killer of children. When you donate and support KWC, you stand with Dr. Thummel (Wayne State University) and Dr. Taub (Children’s Hospital of MI) who are working tirelessly in the “Kids Without Cancer Zebra Fish Research Initiative” lab to study various environmental influences on cancer cells (as well as other research projects). Our funds played a large role in their ability to publish their research.

Your donation to KWC help our children who rely on the generosity of people like you to provide support and more importantly, hope as they battle the toughest fight of their life. No amount is too small, and we are grateful for your past and continued support.

While survival rates have increased for many childhood cancers, more aggressive cancers (brain tumors) have proven difficult to treat and the outcomes are not as promising. Please consider sending a donation today, perhaps in memory or in honor of a loved one.

Thank you for any interest and support you have provided to this organization through the years. For more information on this all-volunteer organization, please visit

On behalf of all our board members, and the children we serve, we thank you!!


Regan O’Connor

President, Kids Without Cancer

                                                    CLick Here to Donate